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Why Trade Stock or ETF?

May 14, 2020

Participate – Stocks are an exciting way to participate in a growing economy and, particularly, in stocks you find interesting or innovative. When an economy is growing, company earnings can increase, jobs are created and people with secure good paying jobs are more likely to invest in stocks and mutual funds which can help drive stock prices higher.

Growth – Stocks are also a good way to stay ahead of inflation and grow retirement savings. Historically, stocks have increased in value 7 to 10 percent on average per year, against an average inflation rate of 2 to 4 percent. Stocks don’t go up every year, but over time stocks have proven to be a consistently good investment.

Efficient Markets – Stocks are easy to buy and easy to sell as trading action is efficient with so many participants in the stock market every day, prices are generally fair, and there is generally enough trading volume of buyers and sellers to get in and out of most positions easily if you trade commonly known companies

Discover the advantages of trading Stocks & ETFs with TradeStation

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