Market Insights

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Here's How to Be Ready the Next Time Momentum Stocks Pull Back Like This
Get the Real Story on Volatility
October 10, 2018

Most clients know the VIX measures the cost of options on the S&P 500. Are you aware that TradeStation’s award-winning platform can go miles deeper by analyzing all the stocks in the market?

Capitalize on our implied-volatility data to determine whether the options on companies like (AMZN) or Facebook (FB) are overpriced or underpriced. Go back for 20 years on any stock with historical chart data!

This is so much bigger than the VIX, which only measures the expected price movement of the S&P 500 over the next 30 days. That’s great if you want to buy or sell options on just that one index. But there are so many other underliers out there with options and opportunities to go long or short volatility!

TradeStation lets clients scan for these opportunities. Want to write premium on companies whose volatility is too high? Just look for volatility in the 90 or higher percentile. Likewise, buyers looking for cheaper opportunities can discover names in the 10 or less percentile.

These concepts are featured in my TradeStation event “Volatility Tools for Option Traders” after the closing bell at 4:30 p.m. ET today. Attendees will also receive some cool custom tools to get even more out of TradeStation’s powerful options functionality. Click here to register.


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